

Your brakes are the most important safety-critical system fitted to your vehicle and it’s essential that they are inspected regularly to ensure they remain in good working order. To ensure you get the best prices on brakes, speak directly to one of our expert mechanics.

At MSM GARAGE we pay much attention on this sector too for the safety of our customers vehicles therefore give a free visual safety inspection every time a car comes for service other than the brakes issues. In this sector we service/repair/inspect/supply a lot of brake parts including, discs, drums, shoes, callipers, cylinders hoses, brake fluid and cables. All this again comes at very low prices as we promise to have the best price for our services and spare parts.

Again on this we are committed to keeping your costs as low as possible and continually price check against our competitors to ensure we remain the most competitive in the industry as our vision is to remain the best.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the msm Garage for an online inquiry.